Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Village Stroll
16 x 16
oil on canvas
This is a little streetscene painted from a photo I took while on holiday in France last fall. I discovered I had a great deal of reference material when I blew up my photos and could see all kinds of action in the background that wasn't apparent from a little 4 x 6 image. It was nice to work on a bigger piece but this project has taken me over a week and finally after picking away this afternoon I could hear the Painting Police shouting firmly "Move away from the easel ! Now!" So - out to the garden I go...


Sheila Wedegis said...

This piece is lovely! I love the light in it. Beautiful work.

L.Holm said...

LOL!! You're funny, Barb! I think those police are at my door! This is lovely. I like the bright colors on the forward figures, that pull me into the scene, and that figure behind in shadows is so well-handled. Would love to be there!

Unknown said...

You have a similar background and aspirations like me! Although you are much more ahead in your development as a fine artist, I'm glad you stopped by my blog.

I was wondering if you had a way of me following you... I noticed you chose not to add the "follow" gizmo. If not, it's okay, I'll remember to check via my follow list.

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone so much for your comments!

Thanks Liz - France was wonderful - took hundreds of photos and am going back in June to cycle from the Atlantic to the Mediteranean via the Pyrenees. It'a good way to travel as we drift thru many tiny remote villages.

Sheila - thank you so much for the compliment -most of what I know has been learned in the last few months reading blogs like yours - spent the morning enjoying it by the way! The cat is beautiful - the highlight in it's eyes so perfectly done. Happy Painting!

David Larson Evans said...

Very nice painting.